“The entrance door to the sanctuary is inside of you.”
~ Rumi
Nancy’s skills as a Life Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.
As a holistic psychotherapist and transformational coach, it’s been my passion for the past 20 years to help people like you live a more inspired, authentic, fully self-expressed life. This is a life in which you feel radiant, able to express your talents, gifts and full potential in the world and look forward to waking up every single day.
During these two decades, I’ve worked with clients with creative visions, audacious dreams and inspiring goals, as well as clients who have lost their way, felt disconnected, and adrift.
I’ve dealt with most of the major obstacles, fears, blocks, patterns of self-sabotage and self-limiting beliefs that keep people from living the life they truly desire and deserve. I’ve grappled with many of these patterns in my own life as well. And I know how to help you clean it up, deal with it, and move on.
Once you move beyond these self-defeating patterns and behaviors, the real magic begins. As you clear the blocks, you’re able to connect with your deep inner wisdom, inner guidance and heart-felt desires. This has been the case in my own journey. And it’s what my clients experience, too.
This is when the lights come back on and life becomes the way it should be. You begin to live from your strengths, let go of the struggle and invite ease into your life. As this unfolds, you move into maximizing your potential and living your true purpose.
You’ll see. Even if you don’t know your purpose now, as you learn to quiet the inner voices of fear and self-doubt, and strengthen the voice of love, your true nature reveals itself and your purpose unfolds. It’s there waiting for you.
Your job is to remove the blocks to receiving it. And my job is to help you do that.
My Work
I believe we are all here to grow, evolve, heal and learn to love and be loved.
My main aim is always to help you maximize your talents, gifts and strengths rather than focus on weaknesses and wounds so that you can live the best life possible for you.
I offer both holistic psychotherapy and transformational life coaching, which I see as different stages on the continuum of growth. If you’re not sure whether you need psychotherapy or coaching, I can easily help you figure out what option is best for you.
I am located in Denver, CO, and also work with clients from all over the world via phone and video.
Click here to find out more about my holistic therapy sessions and transformational life coaching programs such as my signature program Navigating Change with Vision, Passion and Purpose Life Coaching.
See below to find out more about my education, training and professional credentials.
My Story
For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by people, personal growth, spirituality, and healing.
I started my career as a holistic psychotherapist and later became a transformational life coach and a Certified Divine Living Coach. I can say that along the way, in my own life, I’ve seen and experienced it all: career challenges, money fears, health issues, and relationship ups and downs. All the usual stuff that life throws at you. And I’ve come out the other side stronger, wiser and living larger.
I’ve lived in Europe for a year, traveled around and seen the world, lived in a yoga ashram, meditated daily for 30 years, lived in multiple geographic locations, and run my own successful business for the past 20 years. I’m an insatiable seeker with a passion for life and learning.
I’ve been to some of the best schools, professional seminars, workshops, and read all the books. As a result, I have a huge selection of first class tools, knowledge, skills and practical life experience in my tool chest. I’m grounded in impeccable training and have the credentials to prove it.
But most importantly, I have a compassionate heart, an empathic presence, an intuitive sixth sense, a quirky sense of humor, and a gentle, wise ability to tell the truth as I see it in order to help you gain clarity and get what you want.
I continually seek to be my best, live my bravest, stretch, grow, challenge myself, and provide the best service I’m capable of. My life and work are a reflection of each other. They’re my gift to the world and my offering to you. Because I am trained as both a psychotherapist and a life coach, I’m able to bring a depth and breadth of experience and skills to the table to help you get the results you truly desire and deserve.
Education and Training
Sometimes I get asked about my specific training. Here’s more details if interested…
I am a graduate of Bowdoin College, The University of Michigan School of Social Work, (LCSW since 1993), The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute in Boulder, CO, and The Academy for Coach Training in Seattle, WA. I also completed Martha Beck’s 8-month Wayfinder Life Coach Training Program and I am certified by Gina DeVee’s Academy as a Divine Living Coach. (See dates below.)
I have trained with and been certified by Niravi Payne in 2001 as a Mind-Body Fertility Coach. Niravi was an author and pioneer in creating health and vitality via the mind-body connection.
In 2003, I completed training in The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program, (MBSR, at The University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester, MA. This program teaches the use of yoga and mindfulness meditation as a way to alleviate chronic pain, stress and uncomfortable emotional states.
In 2004, I completed a Master Level Certification Program in The Power of Mind/Body Medicine by Mark Weisberg, PHD, sponsored by The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.
In 2005, I completed a training program at the Teleosis School of Homeopathy in Cambridge, MA, for psychotherapists who want to utilize homeopathy and flower essences to assist clients with physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
In 2006, I attended a training by Judith Orloff, MD, on Intuitive Healing for Health Care Professionals in Los Angeles, CA.
In 2008, I attended Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts in New York City; a program dedicated to empowering women to live their best lives possible through creating positive community and pleasure-based lives.
In 2010, I attended the retreats, “The Alchemy of Life Transitions:Spinning Straw to Gold” at The Rowe Conference Center in Rowe, Ma, and “Wishes, Dreams, and Wild Inclinations: A Woman’s Retreat” at Kripalu Center in Lenox, MA.
In 2012, I completed an 8-month Life Coach Training Program with Martha Beck, PhD. Psychology Today, USA Today, and NPR have all referred to Martha Beck as “one of the best-known life coaches in America.” Oprah Winfrey has called Martha, “one of the smartest women I know.”
In 2013, I attended the workshop “Ascending Your Energy: Tune into Your New Destiny” taught by Dr. Joe Dispenza in Norwalk, CT. Dr. Dispenza teaches the neuroscience of creating change from the inside out by teaching meditation techniques to heal and rewire the brain for optimal growth and happiness.
In 2014, I was a participant in a year-long program called Your Year of Miracles led by NY Times Bestselling Author and Happiness Expert Marci Shimoff and Bestselling Author and Success Expert Debra Poneman.
In 2015, I completed a very rigorous 12-month transformational life coach training program, The Academy, directed by Master Coach Gina DeVee and became a cerified Divine Living Coach.
In 2015, I attended a 5-day Advanced Meditation Retreat entitled, “Entering the Soul of the Universe,” led by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dr. Dispenza is one of the world’s leading scientists and teachers of mediation and healing.
In 2016, moved from Providence, RI, (in 9/15), to Denver. Recreated my private practice in Denver. That was an entire education in marketing, business building, reinvention and trusting the Universe! It was the archetypal Hero’s Journey in action. I teach what I learned here to my clients in transition.
In 2017, chosen as one of “Denver’s Top 19 Life Coaches” by expertise.com.
In 2018, chosen for the second year as one of “Denver’s Top 19 Life Coaches” by expertise.com.
In 2018, attended a 7-day Advanced Meditation Retreat entitled, “Becoming Your Vision” led by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dr. Dispenza is the author of multiple books on the neuroscience of meditation and healing including the recent, Becoming Supernatural.
In 2018, attended 7-day retreat In Costa Rica with the Sacred Feminine Mystery School led by Amrita Grace and Caroline Muir.
In 2019-2022, once again chosen as “One of Denver Top 12 Life Coaches”
2020-2022 has been a period of quieting down with the world as we navigate the immense changes we are undergoing. It has been a time of deep growth and personal/professional development.
2022-2023 I have been chosen by expertise.com for the seventh year as “One of Denver’s Top 11 Life Coaches”.
2023 Chosen as one of the Top Female Life Coaches by Coach Foundation.
2024 Chosen as one of Denver’s “Top 10 Life Coaches” by expertise.com for the eighth year in a row.
I am currently studying more deeply the art and science of Manifestation. I am integrating this into my work with my clients and they are generating beautiful results in all aspects of their life. Contact me to get these results in your life, too!
I am committed to staying current with my skills and training by frequently attending professional trainings and workshops.
National Association of Social Workers
Colorado Association of Psychotherapists
I’d Like to Offer You a Gift
If you study the lives of thriving, flourishing people, you will find some similar patterns of thoughts and behaviors that make them magnetic to creating what looks like good fortune, good karma or simple good luck. But what if you could also develop the mindset and skills to optimize your opportunities and create more joyful ease and flow in your life? What would it take to be more magnetic to that which you truly desire and want out of life and go from feeling overwhelmed to feeling deeply content? The transformation from burnt out to thriving is something I know personally and have navigated myself. I have also been helping my clients do the same for more than 20 years. I’d love to help you too. And that’s why I wrote a detailed guide called From Burnt Out to Blissful: Seven Steps to Living a Magnetic Life for Creative People.